What we do


Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.
— Og Mandino

With over 25 years of experience, TowerSentry is the oldest tower light monitoring service in the world.

TowerSentry’s Network Operations Center (NOC) is provides 24/7 monitoring and response to outages. Monitoring is never “subbed out” to other Central Stations (alarm companies).

Our courteous employees are always ready to help meet your particular monitoring needs.

Events received are prioritized, NOTAMs are issued and tracked, owners are notified as per their instructions.

For owners with multiple sites, a simple spreadsheet is emailed daily listing any newly issued NOTAMs along with a list of existing NOTAMs. A simple review allows your personnel to keep abreast of vital information.

Monthly Tower Light Logs (required by the FCC) are generated and emailed each month and are also accessible upon request 24/7/365.

TowerSentry's EnterNOC© is a web based gateway to your tower site. Protected by username and password, the status of your tower lights is available with the click of a button.